


Frequently Asked Questions

Founded in 2017 by an award-winning writer, Birthright Books helps you write and publish memoirs and autobiographies. (We can also edit completed, or mostly completed, memoirs.) Through a simple process of weekly one hour interviews via Zoom or written, our writers turn your wisdom into your legacy and heirloom for friends, family, and business colleagues.

Birthright Books is devoted specifically to the memoir, legacy, and heirloom genres. We welcome your personal story including the following sub-genres:

Public, celebrity, athletic, political figure


Personal or portrait

Trial or triumph

Trainwreck/misery lit


Spiritual quest/travel/adventure

Escape from religious extremism


We’re glad you asked. We don’t want to waste anyone’s time or money—yours or ours. We work only with authors who wish to tell their personal and/or business story. Our process works because we are passionate about ensuring that our authors clearly understand how books are written and published. We brag a 100% satisfaction rate!

Writers know what to ask because they are the ones recording your story. Relying upon their years of experience crafting books, they are your front line to ensure they learn everything they can from you about your life. Hourly paid interviewers are not writers and do not know to ask the right questions.

Your story is uniquely yours. We invite you to control your narrative by telling your stories your way so that your family, friends, and heirs “inherit” all of your valuable tales, memories, and lessons in a type of book that’s called a legacy or heirloom piece.

A memoir is a skilled form of story-telling based on fact:

    • Is about an aspect, theme, event, or choice
    • ​Can start or end anywhere
    • ​Is personal, not entirely factual
    • Can be written by anyone, famous or not
    • An autobiography is factual:
    • ​​Details an entire life
    • Starts at the beginning and progresses chronologically to the end
    • Historical, factual and date-specific
    • ​Usually about famous people.

Don’t be fooled by any publisher who promises to write a “best-seller” for you—it’s a racket. Here’s a link to Scribe’s Tucker Max who does the best job ever of explaining the best-seller list fallacy.

You are the author of your book, and it is written entirely in your voice from interviews with you. You provide all content in your book. Once the interviews with your writer are complete, they will write your story into a book with your name on the cover that you can hold in your hand and pass along to friends and family.

We can go just as fast as you please. If you meet with your writer one to two times per week, we can promise to deliver a written, edited, and published book within 6 months. But you can go slower if you need to—it’s up to you.

No, you will not get an advance but you will own 100% of the royalties for your book.


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